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A retreat located along the Pacific coast, we invite you to take a break at Innterval during your journey along the Taiwan coastline.

位於太平洋沿岸的世外桃源,我們邀請您在台灣海岸線的旅途中到 Ininterval 休息一下。

Welcome to Taitung

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It’s a place for sea lover, a place for cloud lover, a place for you.


A modest hangout place right next to the pacific coast in Taidung, we provide a cozy accommodation for travelers who wanted to search for tranquility that lies to the east of Central Mountain Range. Our 5 painstakingly designed guest rooms have everything you need for an enchanted and unforgettable experience. 

Taitung, a vibrant town on the East coast of Taiwan, is just 40-mins drive from Innterval.  We invite you to take a stroll along the Pacific coastline, surf near Jinzun Harbor, enjoy some famous meat buns in Donghe, or explore the geological history of Sanxiantai.

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